Thomas Jefferson (big time gardener, founding father of America, humanitarian)
Jesus (of course, lots of questions for him)
Leonardo DiVinci (who was just way before his time on some far out inventions, the helicopter, for example)
if you could have dinner with any athlete, scientist, president, artist, or religious figure what would be your top 3 choices?.
Thomas Jefferson (big time gardener, founding father of America, humanitarian)
Jesus (of course, lots of questions for him)
Leonardo DiVinci (who was just way before his time on some far out inventions, the helicopter, for example)
i finally hit 24 on friday!
don't know why i've posted that as a topic heading.
however, i just want to say thanks to all the people that i've made freinds with on this site (you all know who you are.
i spent long years of my life in pain.
deep emotional pain.
i prayed for god to help me but he never came.
Glad to see that sparkle back, you did good, hon.
i may have to cut back on my forum reading.
this is getting discouraging.
everyone knows the problem, feels the problem, but very few want to act on the problem.
I know you are just getting over reading COC,
And I know (as many others here do), the shock you are going through. You are used to having SOMEONE tell you how to dress, how to speak, how to behave, and most importantly, WHAT TO THINK.
Please, learn how to think all for yourself. Do something YOU want to do for a change. Say something no one else agrees with.
Wear something you have never worn before.
Cuss. I mean it. Say a filthy word.........Then giggle.
You don't need a ''leader''.
Find your voice, and let us all hear the real Berylblue!!!!!
Don't look for a replacement for the blotchtower, Be Free, and Be happy. Then change one heart at a time.....
You are gonna be ok, hon.... I see you growing everyday...Soon, you will be giving advice to victims, cause you will know exactly what they are going through.
do any of you remember when it was announced that procter and gamble's logo was satanic?
everyone i knew did a thorough search of all p&g cleaning products in their homes, furiously scraping off the offending logo by any means necessary, or even throwing the product away just in case the moon and stars somehow reappeared after being removed.. i ran across the logo and i had a good chuckle.
i thought back to how we were terrified of just about everything; even the most benign cleaning products.
Proctor and Gamble still have to defend themselves against this malarky.
The thirteen stars are the thirteen colonies, and the moon is from the fact they used the moon to see down the Mississippi River years ago, to transport the products. Totally harmless.
Beryl, here's a big assed cyber hug((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BERYLBLUE))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I know you were worried about reading COC, just give yourself a little time to digest it....
You are not alone, you have alot of folks here who care about you, hang in there hon...
i was in a car acident about 9 months ago and the lawyer handling my case sent me a form today to list my friends who could state what my condition was before the accident and after.
problem with that is i was a jw for close to 30 years and have been fading for about a year.
i couldn't get them to do that unless i made a come back to the meetings and i am too glad to be free to ever go back.
Not true, SheilaM, I am your friend ! We just haven't met in person yet, right?
i know that some of you can see german tv via satellite and some of you even understand german.
maybe you just want to have a look at the pictures: .
next wednesday, july 2nd, 23:30h (german time) a 45-min-documentary is being broadcast about jw in germany trying to get hold of the status of a public body in germany.
I can't get this channel, and don't speak or understand German, but find the topic interesting. Would you be a dear, and keep us informed after you see the program? Thanks.
i am sending you the biggest of cyber hugs !
I am sending you the biggest of cyber hugs ! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shirley)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Your poems bring tears to my eyes, and wrench my heart for the pain you have endured......
so, hubby and i take our kids swimming at our local park today.
we bought them new swimsuits, and buy them lunch, and they swim for several hours.
we sit outside the pool area, due to my husbands medical condition.. after a few hours, my oldest daughter (14), comes over to say a boy tried to cut in line on the water slide, and she politely told him no.
I thought so too, where was ''auntie'' when he hit my daughter???